The most precious metal on earth now empowers your most precious asset: your skin. Modern science has shown platinum to be not only one of the rarest elements on earth, but most astonishing in its abilities: impervious to time, incapable of being oxidized by air, so precious, all of it that has ever been mined could fit in a single room.
When La Prairie scientists discovered that platinum had the ability to bond with human skin, they knew the implications were tremendous. La Prairie's distillation of the rarefied powers of platinum into an anti-aging masterpiece is an exciting advance in skin science. The result is Cellular Cream Platinum Rare, a skin-transforming formula that recharges the skin's electrical balance with pure platinum to ensure ageless performance, protects the skin's DNA, and replenishes moisture continuously for a look of soft splendor.
This is pure science at its best, offering unparalleled benefits; quite simply, the skin looks, feels and moves like younger skin. Pure platinum inspires perfect balance to improve hydration, protection, and receptivity to nutrients. Exclusive Smart Crystals™ help guard skin's youthful appearance, actively reducing the effects of time. Climate-activated hydration adjusts to changing humidity levels and temperatures, continuously providing the perfect level of moisture.